*The schedule will be updated as details are finalized.
Saturday 3.15
Outdoors, under cover.
Note exhibitors can also enter Brazos Valley KC trials on Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well as the Spinone only trials on Saturday.
Enter all trials via Foy Trent Dog Shows
Online Entry -
Heart & Eye Clinics Sponsored by Brazos Valley Kennel Club.
Heart Clinic
Saturday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in Lion’s Club BuildingDr Sonya G Gordon BSc, DVM, DVSc, Diplomate ACVIM Cardiology Professor Cardiology, Eugene Ch'en Chair in Cardiology College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science, Texas A&M University
$45.00/Dog CASH ONLY No Pre-Registrations
Eye Clinic
Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm in Lion’s Club BuildingDr Nicholas Millichamp BVetMed, PhD, DVOphthal, DECVO, MRCVS, DACVO
$40.00/Dog CASH ONLY • No Pre-Registrations
Saturday’s Fetch test is sponsored by the Boykin Spaniel Club & Breeders Association of America. For entry details, see the primum list:
Sunday 3.16
There will be no classes for Spinone in the all-breed event this day.
Parent Specialty Judge:
Douglas A Johnson, Bloomington, IN
Online Entry at Foy Trent Dog Shows -
Good ol' Texas BBQ. Cash bar.
Join us for the Redneck Olympics and Spinone Costume Contest at the Welcome Party.
Judge: Cambria Nierdieck, Texas
Sunday Fetch Test Premium List can be found here:
Sunday Fetch PremiumEnter on SCOA website here:
Online Fetch Entry -
Compete on a redneck agility course or strut your stuff in the costume contest during the Welcome Party.
Wear your play clothes and bring your sense of humor!
Let’s see your boots and beards in the costume contest. All costume themes will be appreciated and applauded!
Monday 3.17
Judges Only
Judge: Mrs. Carolyn Adkins-Fry, Hertford, UK
Enter Spinone Only 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition on Foy Trent Dog Shows
Don’t forget that you can also enter the all-breed Beginner Puppy events.
See the all-breed premium list here:
Premium List -
Sweepstakes Judge:
Mr. Richard J Mysliwiec Jr., Lancaster, TX
Note that sweepstakes classes will be entered under the event number for the National (2025571606) even though sweepstakes is on Monday and the National breed judging is on Tuesday. Your dog’s age for Sweepstakes classes for the National Specialty is calculated as of Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
Please see the premium list for all requirements and classifications.
Premium List -
Gun Dog Sweeps Judge:
Dr. James R Davis, Rockland, MA
Note that sweepstakes classes will be entered under the event number for the National (2025571606) even though sweepstakes is on Monday and the National breed judging is on Tuesday. Your dog’s age for Sweepstakes classes for the National Specialty is calculated as of Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
Please see Premium List for classifications
Premium List -
There is no charge for these seminars for those registered to attend the National. But please do sign up for them so we have a headcount. Register HERE
BIRD DOG Upresented by Frank Leatherbury
It’s about bird dogs!Chiropractic Seminar
Rylan Holub, DC, AVCA “DocRylan”
Elite Animal ChiropracticAcupuncture Seminar
Ilka Wagner, DVM CVA
Healing Arts Veterinary AcupunctureAKC Scent Work Clinic
Caroline Youngblood • Brazos Valley Sniff Squad
Instructor at Puppy Love Dog Training in College Station, TX -
Details to follow.
3:30pm In the main building at the fairgrounds.
Come and celebrate the achievements of our breed in all the many activities in which they participate. Spinoni are primarily versatile hunting dogs, but also excel in many other activities such as AKC conformation events, obedience, rally, agility, coursing, scent work, as service and therapy dogs, and more. They achieve recognition in their various endeavors, but we also want to recognize them at our National Specialty.
Charcuterie boards will be available during the spectacular.
Tuesday 3.18
Judge: Mrs. Carolyn Adkins-Fry, Hertford, UK
Note that sweepstakes classes will be entered under the event number for the National (2025571606) even though sweepstakes is on Monday and the National breed judging is on Tuesday.
For classifications (regular, non-regular and sweepstakes classes) see Premium List.
Enter via Foy Trent Dog Shows -
Please contact SCOA Judges’ Education for more information.
Judges Education: -
Please contact Elaine Bergenheier for details.
ebergenheier@hotmail.comIn keeping with tradition, the Spinone Club of America will be featuring a Parade of Veterans to honor our veteran Spinone who have brought credit to their breed in the field, show, rally, obedience, agility, therapy, or other performance areas, and, most importantly, as our treasured companions. All Spinone aged 7 years or older are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Not attending the event? No problem. A brief slideshow of your veteran will be created and showcased before the parade so that your veteran dog can still be celebrated. For more information please email Elaine Bergenheier ( Deadline for entry is February 19th, 2025
Brought to you by the Breeders’ Education Committee
Round table discussion of the breed with National Judge Carolyn Fry and other guest breed experts to be announced.
Our round-table participants will have an equal opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on our breed with a moderator to guide the conversation,
Audience will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end. -
More barbecue. It's Texas after all!
Will include a vegetarian option.
ORDER MEAL HEREThis is a CALL FOR DONATIONS of items to auction in support of such worthy causes. Donations may be any item, from dog-related to personal items. All proceeds from the auctions are split 50-50 between SCOA and Spinone Rescue. If you are interested in donating item(s) or would like more information, please contact me
Beverlee Steinberg
Debby Forry
We would like to receive all donations by March 1, 2025.
We thank you for your support through donations for the auctions! To learn how your donations help SCOA and Spinone Rescue, please continue reading these messages from Patti Johnson of Spinone Rescue and Ann Bagnell, President of SCOA:
From Patti Johnson: We are happy to once again partner with the Spinone Club of America at this year's 2025 Spinone National Specialty auction. Proceeds from the auction are divided equally between Spinone Rescue and the Spinone Club of America. This eliminates the need to label items individually either for Rescue or for SCOA. It also makes payment and record keeping so much easier for everyone involved.
In one 12 month period, encompassing part of 2023 and part of 2024, our vet bills for Rescue exceeded $15,000. Thankfully, we had the funds to make sure these dogs could receive the medical care they needed. Without the support of Spinone enthusiasts we could never do this and we are eternally grateful for those of you who support Rescue with monetary donations throughout the year as well as those who donate to the annual auction. We are also thankful for the endless support of the Spinone Club of America, its members, and its officers.
So please remember that every donation made to the 2025 National Specialty auction serves 2 purposes. It helps to offset the cost for the yearly event and it also helps Spinone Rescue to continue to help the dogs that need us the most.
From Ann Bagnell: The other 50% goes to the general funds of SCOA. They offset costs of the National Specialty itself, allowing us to run seminars and other events, bring in judges, and pay for facilities. In addition, general funds are used for all the club activities and expenses throughout the year, including the website and the various subscription products needed to maintain the site, health webinars and other committee activities, and the everyday business of the club.
Wednesday 3.19
Holth Ranch, Caldwell, Texas
For more information, please contact:
Frank Leatherbury
frankl2@belleshainkennels.comAlyssa Pease
Thursday 3.20
Lonestar NAVHDA Chapter
Holth Ranch, Caldwell, Texas
National Specialty Contact Info
Show Chair: Bonnie Blink
Hunt Chair: Frank Leatherbury
Facebook for the latest news.